Status Updates

Author: nullpuppy

So, what’s going on with nullpuppy? 2024 has been a shit year. It started off with some layoffs that I was lucky enough to avoid, but they took a pretty significant toll to my mental health for a bit. I started making some progress towards improving things around home, and then we got hit with another round of layoffs where I was not so lucky. And now, two months later, I’m still unemployed, and the market is not great for job seekers right now.

What have I been doing in the meantime? Struggling, a lot, but I think I’m on the otherside of the negatives, at least for a little bit. I’ve been diving into more frontend development (some of which can be seen here and working a bit on a note app, because everyone needs to make a note app right? I’ll have more on that soon, lots of stuff to write up.

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